Inventory by Physical Object

The inventory is made up of the transportation and communications centers, the field equipment, the vehicles, and other systems in the regional transportation system. In ARC–IT, "Physical Objects" (PObjects) are the subsystems and terminators that generally represent the systems in ITS. The following table sorts the inventory by ARC–IT Pobject. This sorts elements that perform similar functions together, so elements of a particular type can be easily identified.

Alerting and Advisory SystemState Radio
Archived Data SystemBis–Man Data Archival
Archived Data User SystemBis–Man Transit Center
Bismarck TOC
Mandan Traffic Engineering
Emergency Management CenterCentral Dakota Communications Center
Morton County Communications
State Radio
Emergency Telecommunications SystemCentral Dakota Communications Center
Emergency Vehicle OBEBis–Man Emergency Vehicles
Morton County Sheriff Vehicles
NDHP Vehicles
Government Reporting SystemsGovernment Reporting Systems
ITS Roadway EquipmentBismarck PW Field Devices
Bismarck TOC Field Devices
Mandan Engineering Field Devices
NDDOT District Field Devices
Maint and Constr Management CenterBismarck PW Operations Center
Lincoln PW
Mandan PW Operations Center
Morton County PW
NDDOT District Office
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBEBismarck PW Vehicles
Lincoln PW Vehicles
Mandan PW Vehicles
Morton County PW vehicles
NDDOT District Vehicles
Payment DeviceTransit Fare Card
Traffic Management CenterBismarck TOC
Mandan Traffic Engineering
Traffic Operations PersonnelBismarck Engineers
Transit Management CenterBis–Man Transit Center
Transit Operations PersonnelBis–Man Transit Operator
Transit Vehicle OBEBis–Man Transit Vehicles
Transit Vehicle OperatorBis–Man Transit Drivers
Traveler CardTransit Fare Card