Bismarck TOC Field Devices

Status: Existing


Roadside Equipment includes any and all equipment distributed on and along the roadway which monitors and controls traffic. This can include equipment for tolling or Black Cat radar for speed detection and reporting.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Bismarck EngineeringOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Roadway Basic Surveillance'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.False
Roadway Data Collection'Roadway Data Collection' collects traffic, road, and environmental conditions information for use in transportation planning, research, and other off–line applications where data quality and completeness take precedence over real–time performance. It includes the sensors, supporting roadside infrastructure, and communications equipment that collects and transfers information to a center for archival.False
Roadway Signal Control'Roadway Signal Control' includes the field elements that monitor and control signalized intersections. It includes the traffic signal controllers, detectors, conflict monitors, signal heads, and other ancillary equipment that supports traffic signal control. It also includes field masters, and equipment that supports communications with a central monitoring and/or control system, as applicable. The communications link supports upload and download of signal timings and other parameters and reporting of current intersection status. It represents the field equipment used in all levels of traffic signal control from basic actuated systems that operate on fixed timing plans through adaptive systems. It also supports all signalized intersection configurations, including those that accommodate pedestrians. In advanced, future implementations, environmental data may be monitored and used to support dilemma zone processing and other aspects of signal control that are sensitive to local environmental conditions.False
Roadway Signal Preemption'Roadway Signal Preemption' includes the field elements that receive signal preemption requests from emergency vehicles approaching a signalized intersection and overrides the current operation of the traffic signals to stop conflicting traffic and grant right–of–way to the approaching vehicle.False
Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination'Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination' includes field elements that provide information to drivers, including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radios.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
ITE ATC 5201Advanced Transportation ControllerThis standard defines the functionality and performance requirements for a modern ITS controller known as an ATC. It is similar to the NEMA TS–2 standard in that it defines basic capabilities but leaves hardware choices up to the manufacturer.
ITE ATC 5202Model 2070 Controller StandardThis standard specifies the hardware for a modern, open–architecture controller for ITS applications that can run Linux and is capable of executing advanced signal controller logic, among other things.
ITE ATC 5301Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsThis standard specifies the characteristics of a modern controller cabinet for the ITS industry.
ITE ATC 5401Application Programming Interface Standard for the Advanced Transportation ControllerThis standard defines the application programmers' interface (API) that should be supported by an ATC, which is an open–architecture controller that can host multiple ITS applications.
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber– and physical–security for ITS.
NEMA TS2Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP RequirementsThis specification covers traffic signaling equipment used to facilitate and expedite the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
NEMA TS4Hardware Standards for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) With NTCIP RequirementsThis standard provides hardware specifications for safe, dependable, functional, and easily maintained Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) equipment.

Interfaces To

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Bis–Man Emergency Vehicles
Bismarck PW Operations Center
Bismarck TOC
NDDOT District Field Devices