Bismarck TOC

Status: Planned

Description: Bismarck Traffic Operations Center


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Bismarck EngineeringOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Traffic Management Center
Archived Data User System

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
TMC Signal Control'TMC Signal Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single Traffic Management Center and are responsive to traffic conditions and adapt to support incidents, preemption and priority requests, pedestrian crossing calls, etc.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber– and physical–security for ITS.

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Bis–Man Data Archival
Bis–Man Transit Center
Bismarck Engineers
Bismarck PW Operations Center
Bismarck TOC Field Devices
Central Dakota Communications Center
Mandan PW Operations Center
NDDOT District Field Devices