Roadway Automated Treatment Functional Area


'Roadway Automated Treatment' automatically treats a roadway section based on environmental or atmospheric conditions or under center control. Treatments include fog dispersion, anti–icing chemicals, etc. It communicates with the center and environmental sensors to support system activation and optionally with sign(s) that warn the driver in adverse conditions when the system is activated.

Included In

Bismarck PW Field Devices
NDDOT District Field Devices

Functional Requirements

01The field element shall activate automated roadway treatment systems based on environmental or atmospheric conditions. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti–icing chemicals, etc.
02The field element shall activate automated roadway treatment systems under center control. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti–icing chemicals, etc.
03The field element shall return automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor operational status to the maintenance center.
04The field element shall return automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor fault data to the maintenance center for repair.