Bismarck PW Operations Center - Maint and Constr Management Center Functionality

Subsystem Description

The 'Maint and Constr Management Center' monitors and manages roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance activities. Representing both public agencies and private contractors that provide these functions, this physical object manages fleets of maintenance, construction, or special service vehicles (e.g., snow and ice control equipment). The physical object receives a wide range of status information from these vehicles and performs vehicle dispatch, routing, and resource management for the vehicle fleets and associated equipment. The physical object participates in incident response by deploying maintenance and construction resources to an incident scene, in coordination with other center physical objects. The physical object manages equipment at the roadside, including environmental sensors and automated systems that monitor and mitigate adverse road and surface weather conditions. It manages the repair and maintenance of both non–ITS and ITS equipment including the traffic controllers, detectors, dynamic message signs, signals, and other equipment associated with the roadway infrastructure. Weather information is collected and fused with other data sources and used to support advanced decision support systems.

The physical object remotely monitors and manages ITS capabilities in work zones, gathering, storing, and disseminating work zone information to other systems. It manages traffic in the vicinity of the work zone and advises drivers of work zone status (either directly at the roadside or through an interface with the Transportation Information Center or Traffic Management Center physical objects.)

Construction and maintenance activities are tracked and coordinated with other systems, improving the quality and accuracy of information available regarding closures and other roadway construction and maintenance activities.

Functional Object: MCM Automated Treatment System Control

'MCM Automated Treatment System Control' remotely monitors and controls automated road treatment systems that disperse anti–icing chemicals or otherwise treat a road segment. The automated treatment system may be remotely activated by this object or it may include environmental sensors that activate the system automatically based on sensed environmental conditions. This object monitors treatment system operation, sets operating parameters, and directly controls system activation if necessary.

Functional Object: MCM Vehicle Tracking

'MCM Vehicle Tracking' tracks the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment. Vehicle/equipment location and associated information is presented to the operator.

Functional Object: MCM Winter Maintenance Management

'MCM Winter Maintenance Management' manages winter road maintenance, tracking and controlling snow plow operations, roadway treatment (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications), and other snow and ice control operations. It monitors environmental conditions and weather forecasts and uses the information to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate snow and ice control response, and track and manage response operations.