Interface: Bismarck PW Operations Center - Bismarck PW Field Devices

Information Flow Definitions
field equipment status (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Reports from field equipment (sensors, signals, signs, controllers, etc.) which indicate current operational status.
infrastructure monitoring sensor data (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Data read from infrastructure–based sensors that monitor the condition or integrity of transportation infrastructure including bridges, tunnels, interchanges, pavement, culverts, signs, transit rail or guideway, and other roadway infrastructure. Includes sensor data and the operational status of the sensors.
roadway advisory radio data (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Information used to initialize, configure, and control roadside highway advisory radio. This flow can provide message content and delivery attributes, local message store maintenance requests, control mode commands, status queries, and all other commands and associated parameters that support remote management of these systems.
roadway advisory radio status (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Current operating status of highway advisory radios.
roadway treatment system status (Existing) Selected Comm Solution
Current operational status of automated roadway treatment devices (e.g., anti–icing systems).
traffic image meta data (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Meta data that describes traffic images. Traffic images (video) are in another flow.
traffic images (Planned)
High fidelity, real–time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the operator or for use in machine vision applications. This flow includes the images. Meta data that describes the images is contained in another flow.