MCM Automated Treatment System Control Functional Area


'MCM Automated Treatment System Control' remotely monitors and controls automated road treatment systems that disperse anti–icing chemicals or otherwise treat a road segment. The automated treatment system may be remotely activated by this object or it may include environmental sensors that activate the system automatically based on sensed environmental conditions. This object monitors treatment system operation, sets operating parameters, and directly controls system activation if necessary.

Included In

NDDOT Maintenance Management
NDDOT District Traffic

Functional Requirements

01The center shall remotely control automated roadway treatment systems. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti–icing chemicals, etc.
02The center shall remotely control the environmental sensors that upon detecting changes in environmental or atmospheric conditions, automatically activate roadway treatment systems.
03The center shall collect automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor operational status.
04The center shall collect automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor fault data and request repair.
05The center shall accept requests for automated roadway treatment system activation from center personnel.