NDDOT District Traffic - Traffic Management Center Functionality

Subsystem Description

The 'Traffic Management Center' monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. It communicates with ITS Roadway Equipment and Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment (RSE) to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. It manages traffic and transportation resources to support allied agencies in responding to, and recovering from, incidents ranging from minor traffic incidents through major disasters.

Functional Object: TMC Signal Control

'TMC Signal Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single Traffic Management Center and are responsive to traffic conditions and adapt to support incidents, preemption and priority requests, pedestrian crossing calls, etc.

Functional Object: TMC Variable Speed Limits

'TMC Variable Speed Limits' provides center monitoring and control of variable speed limits systems. It monitors data on traffic and environmental conditions collected from sensors along the roadway. Based on the measured data, it calculates and sets suitable speed limits usually by lane. It controls equipment that posts the current speed limits and displays additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.