(None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS)


This solution is used within Australia, the E.U. and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with (None–Data) with those for I–I: Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS). The (None–Data) standards include an unspecified set of standards at the upper layers. The I–I: Guaranteed Secure Internet (ITS) standards include lower–layer standards that support secure communications with guaranteed delivery between ITS equipment using X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 security certificates.

Includes Standards

MgmtIETF RFC 3411An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management FrameworksThis standard (RFC) defines the basic architecture for SNMPv3 and includes the definition of information objects for managing the SNMP entity's architecture.
MgmtIETF RFC 3412Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that assists in managing the message processing and dispatching subsystem of an SNMP entity.
MgmtIETF RFC 3413Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ApplicationsThis standard (RFC) includes MIBs that allow for the configuration and management of remote Targets, Notifications, and Proxys.
MgmtIETF RFC 3414User–based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that assists in configuring and managing the user–based security model.
MgmtIETF RFC 3415View–based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that supports the configuration and management of the View–based access control model of SNMP.
MgmtIETF RFC 3416Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) defines the message structure and protocol operations used by SNMPv3.
MgmtIETF RFC 3418Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) defines the MIB to configure and manage an SNMP entity.
MgmtIETF RFC 4293Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP)This standard (RFC) defines the MIB that manages an IP entity.
SecurityIETF RFC 5280Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) ProfileThis standard (RFC) defines how to use X.509 certificates for secure communications over the Internet.
SecurityIETF RFC 8446The Transport Layer Security (TLS) ProtocolThis standard (RFC) specifies Version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The TLS protocol provides communications security over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.
ITS Application Entity Standard(s) need to be developedOne or more standards need to be developed for this subject matter before this is considered a complete solution.
Facilities Standard(s) need to be developedOne or more standards need to be developed for this subject matter before this is considered a complete solution.
TransNetIETF RFC 2460Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) SpecificationThis standard (RFC) specifies version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6), also sometimes referred to as IP Next Generation or IPng.
TransNetIETF RFC 4291IP Version 6 Addressing ArchitectureThis standard (RFC) defines the addressing architecture of the IP Version 6 (IPv6) protocol. It includes the IPv6 addressing model, text representations of IPv6 addresses, definition of IPv6 unicast addresses, anycast addresses, and multicast addresses, and an IPv6 node's required addresses.
TransNetIETF RFC 4443Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) SpecificationThis standard (RFC) defines the control messages to manage IPv6.
TransNetIETF RFC 793Transmission Control ProtocolThis standard (RFC) defines the main connection–oriented Transport Layer protocol used on Internet–based networks.
Access Internet Subnet AlternativesA set of alternative standards that includes any Subnet Layer method of connecting to the Internet.

Readiness: Lowest

Readiness Description

Many serious issues. This category includes solutions that have not been standardized, or do not have a basic level of interoperability or security. Consider selecting a different communications solution or if this is not possible (eg. a pilot of a new application that has not been standardized), take additional measures to provide an acceptable level of security or interoperability.


IssueSeverityDescriptionAssociated StandardAssociated Triple
Data profile not definedUltraPerformance, functionality, and the upper–layers of the OSI stack have not been defined for this information flow.(None)(All)

Supports Interfaces

Cass County MaintenanceFargo TOCroad network status assessment
Cass County MaintenanceMoorhead TOCroad network status assessment
Cass County MaintenanceNDDOT TOCroad network status assessment
Cass County MaintenanceNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
Cass County MaintenanceNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
Cass County MaintenanceRRRDCemergency plan coordination
Cass County MaintenanceRRRDCroad network status assessment
Fargo PW Operations CenterFargo TOCroad network status assessment
Fargo PW Operations CenterFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
Fargo PW Operations CenterFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
Fargo PW Operations CenterFM TOCroad network status assessment
Fargo PW Operations CenterMSP DL Districtalert status
Fargo PW Operations CenterNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
Fargo PW Operations CenterNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
Fargo PW Operations CenterRRRDCalert status
Fargo PW Operations CenterRRRDCemergency plan coordination
Fargo PW Operations CenterRRRDCroad network status assessment
Fargo TOCCass County Maintenanceroad network status assessment
Fargo TOCFargo PW Operations Centerroad network status assessment
Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
Fargo TOCMSP DL Districtalert status
Fargo TOCRRRDCalert status
Fargo TOCRRRDCemergency plan coordination
Fargo TOCRRRDCroad network status assessment
FM Emergency ManagementFargo PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementFargo TOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementFM Maintenance and Construction Managementemergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementFM TOCalert notification
FM Emergency ManagementFM TOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementFM Traffic Operationsemergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementMATBusalert notification
FM Emergency ManagementMATBusemergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementMnDOT D4 TOCalert notification
FM Emergency ManagementMnDOT D4 TOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementMnTOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementMoorhead PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementMoorhead TOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCalert notification
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCemergency plan coordination
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCemergency route request
FM Emergency ManagementWest Fargo TOCemergency route request
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFM Traffic Operationsroad network status assessment
FM TOCFargo PW Operations Centerroad network status assessment
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementalert status
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
FM TOCMoorhead PW Operations Centerroad network status assessment
FM TOCNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
FM TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
FM TOCRRRDCemergency plan coordination
FM TOCRRRDCroad network status assessment
FM Traffic OperationsFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
FM Traffic OperationsFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
FM Traffic OperationsFM Maintenance and Construction Managementroad network status assessment
FM Traffic OperationsMSP DL Districtemergency plan coordination
FM Traffic OperationsMSP DL Districtroad network status assessment
FM Traffic OperationsNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
FM Traffic OperationsNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
FM Traffic OperationsRRRDCemergency routes
MATBusFM Emergency Managementalert status
MATBusFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
MATBusFM Emergency Managementtransit emergency data
MATBusMSP DL Districtalert status
MATBusMSP DL Districttransit emergency data
MATBusRRRDCalert status
MATBusRRRDCemergency plan coordination
MATBusRRRDCtransit emergency data
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Emergency Managementalert status
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
MnDOT D4 TOCMSP DL Districtalert status
MnDOT D4 TOCRRRDCalert status
MnTOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
Moorhead PW Operations CenterFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
Moorhead PW Operations CenterFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
Moorhead PW Operations CenterFM TOCroad network status assessment
Moorhead PW Operations CenterNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
Moorhead PW Operations CenterNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
Moorhead PW Operations CenterRRRDCemergency plan coordination
Moorhead PW Operations CenterRRRDCroad network status assessment
Moorhead TOCCass County Maintenanceroad network status assessment
Moorhead TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
Moorhead TOCRRRDCemergency plan coordination
MSP DL DistrictFargo PW Operations Centeralert notification
MSP DL DistrictFargo TOCalert notification
MSP DL DistrictFM Traffic Operationsemergency plan coordination
MSP DL DistrictMATBusalert notification
MSP DL DistrictMnDOT D4 TOCalert notification
NDDOT TOCCass County Maintenanceroad network status assessment
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementalert status
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency plan coordination
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network status assessment
NDDOT TOCNDHP Fargo Districtemergency plan coordination
NDDOT TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network status assessment
NDDOT TOCRRRDCalert status
NDDOT TOCRRRDCemergency plan coordination
NDDOT TOCRRRDCroad network status assessment
NDHP Fargo DistrictCass County Maintenanceemergency plan coordination
NDHP Fargo DistrictFargo PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
NDHP Fargo DistrictFM Traffic Operationsemergency plan coordination
NDHP Fargo DistrictMoorhead PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
NDHP Fargo DistrictNDDOT TOCemergency plan coordination
RRRDCCass County Maintenanceemergency plan coordination
RRRDCFargo PW Operations Centeralert notification
RRRDCFargo PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
RRRDCFargo TOCalert notification
RRRDCFargo TOCemergency plan coordination
RRRDCFM TOCemergency plan coordination
RRRDCFM Traffic Operationsemergency route request
RRRDCMATBusalert notification
RRRDCMATBusemergency plan coordination
RRRDCMATBusthreat information
RRRDCMnDOT D4 TOCalert notification
RRRDCMoorhead PW Operations Centeremergency plan coordination
RRRDCMoorhead TOCemergency plan coordination
RRRDCNDDOT TOCalert notification
RRRDCNDDOT TOCemergency plan coordination
West Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency routes