US: TMDD - NTCIP Messaging


This solution is used within the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: TMDD with those for C–C: NTCIP Messaging. The US: TMDD standards include upper–layer standards required to implement center–to–center communications with traffic management systems. The C–C: NTCIP Messaging standards include lower–layer standards that support partially secure communications between two centers as commonly used in the US.

Includes Standards

MgmtIETF RFC 3411An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management FrameworksThis standard (RFC) defines the basic architecture for SNMPv3 and includes the definition of information objects for managing the SNMP entity's architecture.
MgmtIETF RFC 3412Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that assists in managing the message processing and dispatching subsystem of an SNMP entity.
MgmtIETF RFC 3413Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ApplicationsThis standard (RFC) includes MIBs that allow for the configuration and management of remote Targets, Notifications, and Proxys.
MgmtIETF RFC 3414User–based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that assists in configuring and managing the user–based security model.
MgmtIETF RFC 3415View–based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) contains a MIB that supports the configuration and management of the View–based access control model of SNMP.
MgmtIETF RFC 3416Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) defines the message structure and protocol operations used by SNMPv3.
MgmtIETF RFC 3418Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)This standard (RFC) defines the MIB to configure and manage an SNMP entity.
MgmtIETF RFC 4293Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP)This standard (RFC) defines the MIB that manages an IP entity.
MgmtW3C WSDL 1.1Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1This standard defines the mechanism for a system to describe the web services that it supports.
SecurityIETF RFC 5280Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) ProfileThis standard (RFC) defines how to use X.509 certificates for secure communications over the Internet.
SecurityIETF RFC 8446The Transport Layer Security (TLS) ProtocolThis standard (RFC) specifies Version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The TLS protocol provides communications security over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.
ITS Application EntityITE TMDD Vol 2Traffic Management Data Dictionary Standard for the Center–to–Center Communications: Volume 2: Design ContentThis standard defines the messages and data elements for the external center to traffic management center interface.
FacilitiesITE TMDD Vol 2Traffic Management Data Dictionary Standard for the Center–to–Center Communications: Volume 2: Design ContentThis standard defines the messages and data elements for the external center to traffic management center interface.
FacilitiesIETF RFC 7230Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and RoutingThis standard (RFC) defines the main Application Layer protocol used for the world–wide web.
FacilitiesW3C SOAP 1.2SOAP Version 1.2This standard defines the structure that can be used to send message–based information between systems using XML.
FacilitiesW3C XMLExtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)This standard defines a generic markup language that can be used to share customizable information by using start and stop tags within the text.
TransNetIETF RFC 2460Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) SpecificationThis standard (RFC) specifies version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6), also sometimes referred to as IP Next Generation or IPng.
TransNetIETF RFC 4291IP Version 6 Addressing ArchitectureThis standard (RFC) defines the addressing architecture of the IP Version 6 (IPv6) protocol. It includes the IPv6 addressing model, text representations of IPv6 addresses, definition of IPv6 unicast addresses, anycast addresses, and multicast addresses, and an IPv6 node's required addresses.
TransNetIETF RFC 4443Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) SpecificationThis standard (RFC) defines the control messages to manage IPv6.
TransNetIETF RFC 793Transmission Control ProtocolThis standard (RFC) defines the main connection–oriented Transport Layer protocol used on Internet–based networks.
Access Internet Subnet AlternativesA set of alternative standards that includes any Subnet Layer method of connecting to the Internet.

Readiness: Moderate

Readiness Description

Two significant or one significant and several minor issues. For existing deployments, the chosen solution is likely deficient in security or management capabilities and the issues should be reviewed and upgrades developed as needed. For new deployments, the solution may be viable for pilots when applied to the triples it supports; such pilot deployments should consider a path to addressing these issues as a part of their design activities. The solution does not provide sufficient interoperability, management, and security to enable proper, full–scale deployment without additional work.


IssueSeverityDescriptionAssociated StandardAssociated Triple
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDHP Fargo District=>emergency traffic control request=>NDDOT TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDHP Fargo District=>emergency traffic control request=>FM TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDHP Fargo District=>emergency traffic control request=>FM Traffic Operations
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>RRRDC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>NDHP Fargo District
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)West Fargo TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>emergency traffic control request=>West Fargo TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>emergency traffic control request=>NDDOT TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>emergency traffic control request=>FM Traffic Operations
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)MnTOC=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>emergency traffic control information=>MSP DL District
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>emergency traffic control information=>NDHP Fargo District
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>emergency traffic control request=>Fargo TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDDOT TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>NDHP Fargo District
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)FM Emergency Management=>emergency traffic control request=>MnTOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)West Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)Fargo TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>RRRDC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)Fargo TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDDOT TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>RRRDC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDDOT TOC=>emergency traffic control information=>FM Emergency Management
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Information Service Providers
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>emergency traffic control request=>Fargo TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)MSP DL District=>emergency traffic control request=>FM Traffic Operations
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)Moorhead TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>emergency traffic control request=>NDDOT TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>incident information=>Moorhead PW Operations Center
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>emergency traffic control request=>Moorhead TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>emergency traffic control request=>FM TOC
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Information Service Providers
Data not fully defined (medium)MediumSome of the data elements for this information flow are not fully defined.(None)RRRDC=>incident information=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Out of date (medium)MediumThe standard includes normative references to other standards that have been subject to significant changes that can impact interoperability or security of systems and the industry has not specified if and how these updates should be implemented for deployments of this standard.(None)(All)
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Moorhead TOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information=>Moorhead PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information=>RRRDC
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information for public=>FM Information Service Providers
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>incident information for public=>FM Information Service Providers
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information=>RRRDC
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)NDDOT TOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>Moorhead PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>RRRDC
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Moorhead TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Fargo TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information=>MSP DL District
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>Moorhead PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>RRRDC
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Moorhead TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information=>NDHP Fargo District
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)MnTOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)West Fargo TOC=>incident information=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)West Fargo TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)West Fargo TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)West Fargo TOC=>incident information=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)Moorhead TOC=>incident information for public=>MATBus
Overlap of standardsMediumMultiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.(None)FM TOC=>incident information=>FM Emergency Management
Performance not fully defined (medium)MediumThe performance rules are not fully defined for this information flow.(None)(All)
Secure data access not providedMediumThe solution does not define rules on how the application entity authenticates requests to accept or provide data.(None)(All)
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)West Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)West Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)West Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM TOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM TOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>road network conditions=>FM Maintenance and Construction Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>MSP DL District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnTOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>road network conditions=>MSP DL District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM Traffic Operations=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Moorhead TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)FM TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Information Service Providers
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>Fargo PW Operations Center
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Fargo TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Moorhead TOC=>road network conditions=>MSP DL District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>Moorhead PW Operations Center
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>MSP DL District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Emergency Management
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)MnDOT D4 TOC=>road network conditions=>FM Information Service Providers
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Moorhead TOC=>road network conditions=>MATBus
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)Moorhead TOC=>road network conditions=>RRRDC
Accuracy of dataLowThe standard is missing accuracy requirements for some of its data, which may result in anomalous behavior.(None)NDDOT TOC=>road network conditions=>NDHP Fargo District
Inadequate guidance for complex data designLowThe standard provides a robust design, but there may be more than one way to convey the information contained in this information flow and the standard provides little or no guidance on how to use the defined structures.(None)(All)

Supports Interfaces

Fargo PW Operations CenterFargo TOCincident information
Fargo PW Operations CenterMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
Fargo PW Operations CenterMnTOCincident information
Fargo PW Operations CenterMoorhead TOCincident information
Fargo PW Operations CenterRRRDCincident information
Fargo TOCFargo PW Operations Centerincident information
Fargo TOCFargo PW Operations Centerroad network conditions
Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
Fargo TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCMATBusincident information
Fargo TOCMATBusincident information for public
Fargo TOCMATBusroad network conditions
Fargo TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCMediatraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCdevice data
Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCemergency traffic coordination
Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCMnTOCdevice data
Fargo TOCMnTOCdevice status
Fargo TOCMnTOCincident information
Fargo TOCMnTOCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCMnTOCtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCMoorhead PW Operations Centerincident information
Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCdevice data
Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCemergency traffic coordination
Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCincident information
Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCdevice control request
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCdevice data
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCdevice status
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCemergency traffic coordination
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCincident information
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCtraffic image meta data
Fargo TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
Fargo TOCRRRDCemergency traffic control information
Fargo TOCRRRDCincident information
Fargo TOCRRRDCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCdevice data
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCdevice status
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCemergency traffic coordination
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCincident information
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCroad network conditions
Fargo TOCWest Fargo TOCtraffic image meta data
FM Emergency ManagementFargo TOCemergency traffic control request
FM Emergency ManagementFargo TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementFargo TOCremote surveillance control
FM Emergency ManagementFM Information Service Providersincident information for public
FM Emergency ManagementFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
FM Emergency ManagementFM TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementFM TOCremote surveillance control
FM Emergency ManagementFM Traffic Operationsemergency traffic control request
FM Emergency ManagementMATBusincident information
FM Emergency ManagementMATBusincident information for public
FM Emergency ManagementMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementMnDOT D4 TOCremote surveillance control
FM Emergency ManagementMnTOCemergency traffic control request
FM Emergency ManagementMnTOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementMnTOCremote surveillance control
FM Emergency ManagementMoorhead TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCemergency traffic control request
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementNDDOT TOCremote surveillance control
FM Emergency ManagementWest Fargo TOCemergency traffic control request
FM Emergency ManagementWest Fargo TOCincident information
FM Emergency ManagementWest Fargo TOCremote surveillance control
FM Information Service ProvidersMATBusemergency traveler information
FM Information Service ProvidersMATBusincident information for public
FM Information Service ProvidersMATBusroad network conditions
FM Information Service ProvidersMATBustraffic image meta data
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFargo TOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFM Emergency Managementincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementFM TOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementMnTOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementMoorhead TOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementNDDOT TOCincident information
FM Maintenance and Construction ManagementWest Fargo TOCincident information
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
FM TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
FM TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
FM TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
FM TOCMATBusincident information
FM TOCMATBusincident information for public
FM TOCMATBusroad network conditions
FM TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
FM TOCMediatraffic image meta data
FM TOCMSP DL Districtincident information
FM TOCNDDOT TOCdevice control request
FM TOCNDDOT TOCdevice data
FM TOCNDDOT TOCdevice status
FM TOCNDDOT TOCemergency traffic coordination
FM TOCNDHP Fargo Districtemergency traffic control information
FM TOCNDHP Fargo Districtincident information
FM TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
FM TOCRRRDCemergency traffic control information
FM TOCRRRDCroad network conditions
FM TOCWest Fargo TOCdevice data
FM TOCWest Fargo TOCdevice status
FM TOCWest Fargo TOCincident information
FM TOCWest Fargo TOCroad network conditions
FM TOCWest Fargo TOCtraffic image meta data
FM Traffic OperationsFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
FM Traffic OperationsFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
FM Traffic OperationsFM Maintenance and Construction Managementroad network conditions
FM Traffic OperationsFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
FM Traffic OperationsMSP DL Districtemergency traffic control information
FM Traffic OperationsMSP DL Districtroad network conditions
FM Traffic OperationsNDHP Fargo Districtemergency traffic control information
FM Traffic OperationsNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
FM Traffic OperationsRRRDCtraffic image meta data
MATBusFM Emergency Managementroad weather advisories
MATBusFM Information Service Providersemergency traveler information
MATBusFM Information Service Providersincident information for public
MATBusFM Information Service Providersroad network conditions
MATBusFM Information Service Providerstraffic image meta data
MATBusRRRDCroad weather advisories
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo PW Operations Centerincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo PW Operations Centerroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo TOCdevice data
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo TOCemergency traffic coordination
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo TOCroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCFargo TOCtraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Information Service Providersincident information for public
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Information Service Providersroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Information Service Providerstraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCMATBusincident information for public
MnDOT D4 TOCMATBusroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCMediatraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead PW Operations Centerincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead PW Operations Centerroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCdevice data
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCdevice status
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCemergency traffic coordination
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCMoorhead TOCtraffic image meta data
MnDOT D4 TOCMSP DL Districtroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCRRRDCincident information
MnDOT D4 TOCRRRDCroad network conditions
MnDOT D4 TOCWest Fargo TOCtraffic image meta data
MnTOCFargo PW Operations Centerincident information
MnTOCFargo TOCdevice data
MnTOCFargo TOCdevice status
MnTOCFargo TOCincident information
MnTOCFargo TOCroad network conditions
MnTOCFargo TOCtraffic image meta data
MnTOCFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
MnTOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
MnTOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
MnTOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
MnTOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
MnTOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
MnTOCMATBusincident information
MnTOCMATBusincident information for public
MnTOCMATBusroad network conditions
MnTOCMATBustraffic image meta data
MnTOCMediatraffic image meta data
MnTOCMoorhead PW Operations Centerincident information
MnTOCMSP DL Districtroad network conditions
MnTOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
MnTOCRRRDCincident information
MnTOCRRRDCroad network conditions
MnTOCWest Fargo TOCdevice data
MnTOCWest Fargo TOCdevice status
MnTOCWest Fargo TOCroad network conditions
MnTOCWest Fargo TOCtraffic image meta data
Moorhead PW Operations CenterFargo TOCincident information
Moorhead PW Operations CenterMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
Moorhead PW Operations CenterMnTOCincident information
Moorhead PW Operations CenterRRRDCincident information
Moorhead TOCFargo TOCdevice data
Moorhead TOCFargo TOCemergency traffic coordination
Moorhead TOCFargo TOCincident information
Moorhead TOCFargo TOCroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCFargo TOCtraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
Moorhead TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
Moorhead TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCMATBusincident information
Moorhead TOCMATBusincident information for public
Moorhead TOCMATBusroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCMediatraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCdevice data
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCdevice status
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCemergency traffic coordination
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCMnDOT D4 TOCtraffic image meta data
Moorhead TOCMSP DL Districtroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCRRRDCroad network conditions
Moorhead TOCWest Fargo TOCdevice data
Moorhead TOCWest Fargo TOCtraffic image meta data
MSP DL DistrictFargo TOCremote surveillance control
MSP DL DistrictFM TOCincident information
MSP DL DistrictFM TOCremote surveillance control
MSP DL DistrictFM Traffic Operationsemergency traffic control request
MSP DL DistrictMATBusincident information for public
MSP DL DistrictMnDOT D4 TOCremote surveillance control
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCdevice control request
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCdevice data
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCdevice status
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCemergency traffic coordination
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCincident information
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCFargo TOCtraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCFM Information Service Providersincident information for public
NDDOT TOCFM Information Service Providersroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCFM Information Service Providerstraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
NDDOT TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCFM TOCdevice control request
NDDOT TOCFM TOCdevice data
NDDOT TOCFM TOCdevice status
NDDOT TOCFM TOCemergency traffic coordination
NDDOT TOCFM TOCroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCMATBusincident information
NDDOT TOCMATBusincident information for public
NDDOT TOCMATBusroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCMediatraffic image meta data
NDDOT TOCNDHP Fargo Districtemergency traffic control information
NDDOT TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions
NDDOT TOCRRRDCemergency traffic control information
NDDOT TOCRRRDCincident information
NDDOT TOCRRRDCroad network conditions
NDHP Fargo DistrictFM TOCemergency traffic control request
NDHP Fargo DistrictFM TOCincident information
NDHP Fargo DistrictFM Traffic Operationsemergency traffic control request
NDHP Fargo DistrictMATBusincident information for public
NDHP Fargo DistrictNDDOT TOCemergency traffic control request
RRRDCFargo PW Operations Centerincident information
RRRDCFargo TOCemergency traffic control request
RRRDCFargo TOCincident information
RRRDCFM TOCemergency traffic control request
RRRDCFM TOCremote surveillance control
RRRDCFM Traffic Operationsremote surveillance control
RRRDCMATBusincident information
RRRDCMnDOT D4 TOCincident information
RRRDCMnDOT D4 TOCremote surveillance control
RRRDCMnTOCincident information
RRRDCMnTOCremote surveillance control
RRRDCMoorhead PW Operations Centerincident information
RRRDCMoorhead TOCemergency traffic control request
RRRDCNDDOT TOCemergency traffic control request
RRRDCNDDOT TOCincident information
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCdevice data
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCdevice status
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCemergency traffic coordination
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCincident information
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCFargo TOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementemergency traffic control information
West Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementincident information
West Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCFM Emergency Managementtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementincident information
West Fargo TOCFM Maintenance and Construction Managementtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCFM TOCdevice data
West Fargo TOCFM TOCdevice status
West Fargo TOCFM TOCincident information
West Fargo TOCFM TOCroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCFM TOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCMATBusincident information
West Fargo TOCMATBusincident information for public
West Fargo TOCMATBusroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCMATBustraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCMediatraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCMnDOT D4 TOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCMnTOCdevice data
West Fargo TOCMnTOCdevice status
West Fargo TOCMnTOCincident information
West Fargo TOCMnTOCroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCMnTOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCdevice data
West Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCemergency traffic coordination
West Fargo TOCMoorhead TOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCdevice data
West Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCdevice status
West Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCincident information
West Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCroad network conditions
West Fargo TOCNDDOT TOCtraffic image meta data
West Fargo TOCNDHP Fargo Districtroad network conditions